The learning habit that I am best at is, "Begin with an end in mind". I never start a project that I don't know if I can finish. For instance I chose to work towards a Masters degree instead of a PHD because I knew that if I couldn't get a half-way decent job in the next couple of years I would go crazy.
The learning habit that I am worst at is, "Use technology to your advantage". Two days ago my laptop fell off of a chair I put it on and broke. I am now without a personal computer for up to a month. I went to Capen Hall last night to work on this blog and the computer couldn't bring up a webpage without the computer freezing up. So then I tried another computer, and that one also froze up. I also could not print out the readings for the my courses. Thankfully I've found a new computer lab where the computers work so I guess things have worked out in the end.
Ryan, I'm so sorry to hear about your computer. That sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm glad you were able to find a lab where the computers work. It seems to me that computers can be both a blessing and a curse. On a positive note, your blog looks great!